Reg. since 1990 The "Can Do" Cardigans

Cornerstone's Over The Moon
Cornerstone's Over The Moon
We are located in Northern Alabama on a 19 acre gentleman's farm. Besides plenty of open fenced areas for our dogs, we have fruit trees and pecan trees, woods and pastures.
We strive for the best, adhering to a high standard of values and are committed to breeding for a better future.
We specialize in blue merles and tris and have bred 60 AKC Champions and counting! Temperament is paramount. Only dogs that are PRA Clear, eyes clear and are hip cleared are used for breeding and we will never produce a DM at risk individual.
We have generations of ROM producers, a National Specialty Sweeps winner and National Specialty WB/BOW Best Puppy, the TOP Obedience Cardigan 2002 & 2003 as well as the first Herding Champion/Dual Champion in the breed and 2 Top Multi Agility MACH level dogs. Additionally, our Dreamer has now become the first CWCCA ROM-V Gold in the breed. There are also many other herding titled, agility titled and obedience titled Cornerstone Cardigans.
This site is set up as a "showcase" of our Cardigans bred for the show ring, performance or "just to love".
Member of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club Of America since 1991 .
Very proud to be an AKC Breeder of Merit
We use and believe in NuVet supplement. It has given us vigorous puppies and improved the health of failing older dogs. Click here for information and to order.
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